“The world rests in the night. Trees, mountains, fields, and faces are released from the prison of shape and the burden of exposure. Each thing creeps back its own nature within the shelter of the dark. Darkness is the ancient womb. Night time is womb time. Our souls come out to play. The darkness absolves everything; the struggle for identity and impression falls away. We rest in the night. The dawn is a refreshing time, a time of possibility and promise. All the elements of nature - - stones, fields, rivers, and animals - - are suddenly there anew in the fresh dawn light. Just as darkness brings rest and release, so the dawn brings awakening and renewal. In our mediocrity and distraction, we forget that we are privileged to live in a wondrous universe. Each day the dawn unveils the mystery of this universe. Dawn is the ultimate surprise; it awakens us to the immense “thereness” of nature.”
Anam Cara, A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O’Donohue pg.2.
Invitation: “… to live in a wonderous universe …”
We will meet for the Community Table Monday, December 16th at 4:30 PM ET. Contact us for information HERE.
Join Mardi Tindal and Jean Richardson for their upcoming retreat series beginning in February. More HERE.
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I was just talking with a friend last night about darkness. The physical darkness and the metaphorical darkness. We also came to the conclusion that darkness is an opportunity to absolve things.
I appreciate the reminder from John O'Donohue that I, that we, live in a wondrous universe. As he writes: "Just as darkness brings rest and release, so the dawn brings awakening and renewal. In our mediocrity and distraction, we forget that we are privileged to live in a wondrous universe." I arose early this morning and was greeted by a blazing red sunrise in the midst of the chill of winter. I have been waking up in the night due to the political turmoil in our nation and world. I am deeply distraught and disappointed in my fellow Americans. Nature reminds me of cycles and to hold onto hope for renewal in every way.